It was several years ago that I started referring to sermons as reflections. I did this because reflecting on a topic seemed more invitational whereas the term sermon seemed to haul along some prescriptive, top down baggage. As I write, I am reflecting. As the congregation listens, they are reflecting. Thus the term collapses the hierarchy somewhat and implies that the listener is an active participant in the conversation. It seems therefor to be not only a more appealing term, but more precise as well.
North Shore Unitarian Church
Religion At The End of the World
What form of religion is needed in these fraying times? Are we doing it? How can the essence of Unitarian Universalism evolve to meet the moment? Story & Reflection begin at 22:50.
Salvation By Enchantment
Enchanting the world puts us into meaningful conversation with it. Not only can that kind of conversation yield our sense of belonging, it may be necessary to save our world. Reflection begins at 33:45.
Dream of the Beloved Community
A reflection on the power of covenant to nurture the Beloved Community. What in the world is the beloved community? It is agape: love as an essential orientation to the whole world. Reflection begins at 36:15.
Magic in Our Midst
Church is a powerful way to hold our intentions. Intention, held in such a community, becomes a medium of communication between the world and our souls. Reflection begins at 32:25.
Fundamentals of Our Faith
What does Unitarian Universalism have to say about evil? Where does it come from? What can we do about it? Reflection begins at 35:27.
Making Sacred
Why and how are things made sacred? How does this change us and our world? You should probably watch reflection on “Return to the Oral,” first. Reflection begins at 32:35.
Heartbreak & Gratitude
When we let grief alchemize to gratitude miracles are possible. One of the most profound episodes of my career was a witness to that very thing. Here, I recount the tale and ponder its implications. Reflection begins at 45:50.
Covenant & Principle: What Is Principle - 11/21/21
This reflection on the merit and insufficiencies of our UU Principles was prepared as the North Shore Unitarian Church prepared to vote on the Canadian Unitarian Council’s proposed 8th Principle. Spoiler: both NSUC and the CUC voted to adopt the 8th. Reflection begins at 41:30.
Spellcasting: A Story for the Future
Words are powerful, creative, compelling. Here I let the leash out some and indulge both yearning and language in the hope of generating some good. Reflection begins at 25:00.
The Grail Quest
Far from the hero's journey, the story of the quest for the grail is a deeply ecological tale of human folly and the question that unlocks our redemption. Reflection begins at 33:30.
Mountain Vista UU & UU Church of Ogden
Fools Gold: A New Rule
Is the golden rule fools gold? What about the carbon rule: What you do to others, you do to yourself.
Pop Paradox
This was fun to do. We built a reflection by putting three popular songs into dialogue with one another. Bob Marley, Built to Spill, Meg Barnhouse.
Reflections on Standing Rock
It was an incredibly formative experience to work with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock. Here I share some of my experiences and learnings.
Face in the Mirror: Reflections on the Border
Here I share some thoughts and consequences after BorderLinks took us on a “tour” of the southern border to better understand the state of immigration and undocumented migrants in and on the way to the U.S.
Destiny: Salvation
Some early thoughts on UU’s evolving relationship with salvation. I offer a contemporary definition and, for some reason, play the ukulele.
The Dude Abides
Preaching in a bathrobe? About The Dude? Well, it's a complicated case, man. Lots of ins. Lots of outs. But as a theme, it really ties the room together.